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Mary Andrie-Brooks: My Concussion Tribute™

Mary Andrie-Brooks lives in Austin, Texas. She is a salon owner, wife, and mother of a beautiful 15 year old daughter. As the daughter of a former NFL star who suffered with CTE, Mary has been very transparent about her family’s journey in the hopes of helping others. She is passionate about sharing awareness of the consequences of concussions, TBIs, and CTE. Breaking down the shame and stigma of living with brain injuries in professional sports is one of her most important goals.

She is one of many football fans and CLF donors making Concussion TributeTM donations throughout the football season to support the welfare of football players.

Why am I making Concussion TributeTM donations?

The reason I am making Concussion Tribute™ donations is to honor my dad, George Andrie. He was a Dallas Cowboys Defensive End from 1962-1972. He passed away from Stage 4 (of 4) CTE on August 21, 2018. 

After watching Dad suffer for years with CTE, I do not watch football anymore. This is a wonderful way I can make a positive difference during the NFL season that is always difficult for me to stomach. The Concussion Legacy Foundation is the leader in awareness, advocacy, and science, so I know my donation will make a difference in the lives of so many. 

This isn’t just in honor of my Dad. It is for all of the athletes of the past, present, and future. Understanding, prevention and awareness are everything. 

Amount: $25

Frequency: Monthly

Duration: Through the Super Bowl

Click here to read George Andrie's Legacy Story.

What are Concussion TributeTM donations ?

Concussion Tribute™ donations are made to the Concussion Legacy Foundation to support the welfare of football players. Concussion Tribute™ donations are intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration for the players who risk their brain health every game for our entertainment. Many donors are serious football fans who take immense pride in giving weekly or monthly Concussion Tribute™ donations during the football season. The funds raised from Concussion Tribute™ donation will go to research and programs designed to prevent and treat concussions and CTE.

Throughout the football season, CLF donors will be sharing why they have signed up for Concussion Tribute™ donations. Learn more and make your own Concussion Tribute™ donations this season at

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